

4 [HttpPost] 5 public JsonResult SendMessage () 6 7 if (Session[ ”user” ] == null) 8 9 return Json(new ”error” , message = ”User is not logged in” >); 10 > 11 12 var currentUser = (User)Session[ ”user” ]; 13 14 string socket_id = Request.Form[ ”socket_id” ]; 15 16 Conversation convo = new Conversation 17 18 sender_id = currentUser.id, 19 message = Request.Form[ ”message” ], 20 receiver_id = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Form[ ”contact” ]) 21 >; 22 23 using ( var db = new Models.ChatContext() ) 24 db.Conversations.Add(convo); 25 db.SaveChanges(); 26 > 27 28 return Json(convo); 29 > There are several features of a chat application that require realtime functionality, some of which are: In achieving these features, we will make use of Pusher Channels. To proceed lets head over to the Pusher dashboard and create a Channels app. You can register for free if you haven’t got an account. Fill out the create app form with the information requested. Next, we’ll install the Pusher Server package in our C# code using NuGet. We will create our private channel when a contact is chosen. This channel will be used to transmit messages between the logged in user and the contact he is sending a message to.

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