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    When you are the aggressor, either by making an initial bet or raising the existing one, you are forcing your opponents to react and giving yourself a chance to win the pot before it gets to showdown . This should reinforce the importance of aggression in poker , and show why passive play rarely proves profitable. When To Check. Let’s say in a $1/2 cash game, you raise to $7 preflop and then bet $10 on the flop. The turn is a scare card which causes you to doubt whether you still have the best hand. If you are not willing to bet at least what you bet in the last round ($10), then you should probably just check. If you don’t think you have the best hand, and you’re not willing to bluff, don’t put any more chips into the pot. Your bets should at least stay consistent from street to street and will ideally increase with each round. Let’s say you are in a multi-table tournament and get A-J in middle position . The big blind is 200 and it folds to you. What size bet should you make? Let’s say you bet 550, the button and the big blind call and the flop comes A-Q-4 rainbow (different suits). At this point, having flopped top pair with a good kicker, you can be reasonably confident you are ahead. Apostas esportiva 20 02.Obtenha o Embroidermodder. Etapa 2.
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