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On show in Gallery 3 of the museum is Borsa (Bag), an artwork belonging to the Mobili Per Uomo (Furniture for Man) collection, designed by Alessandro Mendini for FONDAZIONE BISAZZA. Presented at the Milano Design Week 2023, COLLEZIONE VINCENT DARRÉ is a new series of decorations in mosaic born from its first collaboration with French designer and artist, Vincent Darré. 17 – 22 april 2023. Bisazza is one of the top luxury brands in the design sector and a world leader in the production of glass mosaic for interior and exterior decoration. The mosaic decorations are the result of the company's multi-year collaboration with internationally renowned designers: from geometric patterns to floral motifs, from classic to pop inspired designs. The mosaic decorations are the result of the company's multi-year collaboration with internationally renowned designers: from geometric patterns to floral motifs, from classic to pop inspired designs. For an evaluation of the best technique for reproducing a drawing or a photographic subject in mosaic, the Bisazza Design Studio is available for a free consultation. In addition to the technique that involves the use of whole mosaic tiles, Bisazza creates mosaics with hand-cut tiles in smaller sizes and arranged following the pattern of the design, according to an irregular texture. Foundation. The Bisazza Foundation is a private non-profit cultural institution founded in 2012, based in Montecchio Maggiore, in the province of Vicenza. Figurinha river plate.Networking e aprendizagem com os melhores profissionais da area para voce seu pleno desenvolvimento no campo desejado.
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