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Adding an IMU enables us to observe the scale. Yet, depending on the performed motions this can take infinitely long, making the monocular visual–inertial initialization a challenging task. Rather than relying on a separate IMU initialization we show how to include the scale as a variable into the model of our system and jointly optimize it together with the other parameters. URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780128173589000135. In the chapter we highlighted ‘faults’ in the palladium processor — a passive reaction-diffusion processor — in the context of Voronoi-diagram construction and inversion. The palladium processor proved to be fairly ‘omnivorous’: in that it constructs Voronoi diagrams of planar point sets [ 282 , 79 , 15 ], generalised Voronoi diagrams of arbitrary geometric shapes [ 14 ] and it can be used in the skeletonisation of planar shapes [ 13 ], computation of a shortest path and control of robot navigation [ 13 ] and computation of logical functions [ 12 ]. With this increase in the number of problems solvable in the reaction-diffusion processor, it became important to highlight the limitations of the processors. URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780444520425500104. In 2017, Ramos et al. Site de apostas jogos de futebol.A corrida mais comum tem o percurso plano, mas há corridas com obstáculos, chamadas steeplechase.
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