Placar correto hoje

placar correto hoje

GUI Bugfix: main window close button set to minimize to tray sometimes fails Core Improve: automatically adjust the MTU size after uTP connection established Core Improve: when connecting to uTP peers, prefer to use the previously connected remote port Core Improve: BT task sends the PEX message as soon as possible after connecting to a peer Core Improve: when advanced option bittorrent.utp_after_holepunch is set to auto, initiate uTP connection first, then try UDP hole punching after failure Core Bugfix: disconnect websocket connections when timeout Core Bugfix: data verify error for web seed downloading if there are files of the same size in the BT task v1.94 [Windows] [macOS] 2022.9.11 New Feature: support the cloud service for remote connection, to let BitComet Mobile APP connects to the desktop edition of BitComet behind NAT/Firewall with end-to-end encryption. (requires BitComet Mobile App v1.8.0) GUI Improve: select direct mode or cloud service mode when bind APP with QR code GUI Improve: merge devices dialog into bind App dialog GUI Improve: support multiple selection and rename in devices dialog GUI Improve: display status icon of cloud service for remote connection in bottom status bar GUI Improve: add option to enable cloud service for remote connection in Option window Core Bugfix: websocket disconnect by remote not handled correctly v1.93 [Windows] [macOS] 2022.8.22 GUI Improve: new advanced option: torrent_share.metadata_log_retention_period GUI Bugfix: memory usage details display problem in Statistics list Core Improve: optimize sqlite data loading speed for torrent lists Core Bugfix: fix the issue of downloading the metadata of a magnet link from RSS torrent list while downloading the metadata of a DHT torrent with the same infohash Core Bugfix: the torrent list is easy to freeze and crash when sorting by comments, screenshots, or popular Core Bugfix: enhanced torrent list sqlite database operation stability Core Bugfix: The operation may fail when creating a long path file v1.92 [Windows] [macOS] 2022.7.18 GUI Improve: add toolbar to the Graph pane. Add torrent list data to memory usage graph GUI Improve: set the main window to foreground if BitComet already running when open BitComet from browser extension GUI Improve: when install Firefox extension in installer, open the plugin web in Firefox even if it's not the default browser GUI Improve: add task logs, metadata download and reserved regions to memory usage graph GUI Improve: save the options of flow graphs GUI Improve: add the size of reserved memory regions to Statistics pane GUI Improve: new advanced option: bittorrent.multi_peers_same_ip, allow multiple peers connected from same IP by default GUI Improve: refine the reason why the peer is banned GUI Improve: optimize the operation of BT tasks with huge number of files GUI Bugfix: should not show the task finish notification if the tray ballon disabled in the context menu of tray icon Core Improve: improve program crash error reporting Core Bugfix: when the number of metadata caches is large, the number of downloaded metadata displayed in the left favorites is inaccurate Core Bugfix: when DHT is turned off, the task stops early when downloading the metadata of magnet link only from the peers returned from trackers v1.91 [Windows] [macOS] 2022.7.4 GUI Improve: new option in HTTP task properties dialog: send custom HTTP headers to mirror addresses GUI Improve: new option in add HTTP task page of Remote Download: send custom HTTP headers to mirror addresses GUI Improve: add RSS feeds option in export and import dialog GUI Improve: display metadata cache info in Statistics pane GUI Improve: supports custom_headers_for_mirrors parameter in BC link GUI Improve: new peers banned reason in the BT task peer list: connection_limit GUI Improve: new button in integration page of Option dialog: Install Edge Extension GUI Bugfix: the file list below the torrent list supports non-utf8 encoded non-standard torrent files GUI Bugfix: snapshot icon should be displayed in torrent list for all torrents knowing infohash GUI Bugfix: the metadata status in torrent list is not always accurate GUI Bugfix: during the sorting of the torrent list, setting search keywords has no effect GUI Bugfix: after adding a task, the selected status of the task tag in the left favorites bar is lost Core Improve: remove the passkey parameter in tracker URL when save private torrent from Magnet Link to Torrent History Core Improve: new BitComet Extension for Edge Core Improve: update BitComet Extension for Firefox Core Improve: reduce the waiting time to initiate a connection after receiving a new peer Core Improve: when copying the magnet link of a private torrent, remove the passkey parameter in the tracker link Core Bugfix: abnormal data may cause memory access violation in IP2Location module v1.90 [Windows] [macOS] 2022.6.12 GUI Improve: file names in torrent can be renamed in task properties dialog when task stopped GUI Improve: file names in torrent can be renamed in file list pane when task stopped GUI Improve: add advanced option: http.max_mirror_count GUI Improve: add advanced option: ui.show_all_tasks_after_add_task GUI Improve: the file list below torrent list supports torrent v2 GUI Improve: when display the files below torrent list, auto update missing information for this torrent GUI Bugfix: when the peer list is sorted by client type, the banned peers have no effect GUI Bugfix: there is a a blank line in the save directory drop-down box of BT task properties dialog Core Improve: limit the length of data received from the HTTP tracker Core Bugfix: some information not updated for RSS torrents Core Bugfix: improve stability of downloading from Long-Term Seeds v1.89 [Windows] [macOS] 2022.6.1 GUI Improve: support multiple update URLs for trackerslist in Tracker page of option window GUI Improve: torrent size estimation supports torrent v2 GUI Improve: improve the condition to show the enable DHT prompt for magnet URI GUI Improve: add file switch buttons in snapshot page GUI Bugfix: should not display the task properties dialog after creating a new torrent file Core Improve: improve crash report Core Bugfix: bug when downloading torrent v2 larger than 4GB Core Bugfix: advanced option bittorrent.enable_v1_upgrade_to_v2 does not work v1.88 [Windows] [macOS] 2022.5.24 GUI Improve: add format option in torrent maker dialog, including v1, v2 and hybrid format GUI Improve: display Infohash v1 and Infohash v2 separately in BitTorrent task summary pane GUI Improve: display the number of piece hashes obtained for torrent v2 GUI Improve: display the protocol version of BitTorrent peers in the peer list of BT task GUI Improve: add advanced option: bittorrent.enable_v1_upgrade_to_v2, to allow peer protocol upgrade for hybrid torrent GUI Improve: copy the infohash v1, v2 and name of BT task from context menu GUI Improve: supports mirror, user_agent and cookie parameters in BC link GUI Bugfix: always using default save folder for magnet URI if torrent can be found in Torrent History GUI Bugfix: do not select the URL text when displays the task Properties dialog of HTTP task GUI Bugfix: the TAB key doesn't works with the save folder edit box in task Properties dialog GUI Bugfix: handle the case of taskbar on top of screen when restore main window position GUI Bugfix: the restored main window position is invalid after secondary monitor removed Core Improve: support creating torrent of v2 format, which includes metadata of v2, and the piece hashes of v2 Core Improve: support creating torrent of hybrid format, which includes metadata of v1 & v2, and the piece hashes of v2 Core Improve: when exporting torrent from BT task of v2 format, a full v2 torrent file will be exported if all piece hashes of v2 are obtained, or a compact torrent file will be exported which only contains metadata Core Improve: support open torrent of v2 format and hybrid format, in which the piece hashes of v2 are optional Core Improve: support download the magnet URI of v2 format and hybrid format, whose metadata size are much smaller than magnet URI of v1 format Core Improve: support hash request commands of BitTorrent v2 protocol in peer connections, to download the piece hashes of v2 format and the leaf hashes of file hash tree Core Improve: support upgrade the peer connections to BitTorrent v2 protocol for hybrid torrent Core Improve: when the leaf hashes of file hash tree are obtained, the file data can be verified in 16KB blocks Core Bugfix: can't handle the Content-Disposition HTTP response header if filename and filename* attributes appear together Core Bugfix: can not fetch Cookies from Chrome and Edge of new version v1.87 [Windows] 2022.3.28 GUI Improve: add super seed option to task list right-click menu GUI Improve: add copy Infohash command to task list right-click menu GUI Improve: add context menu with copy command to the task summary pane GUI Improve: added a sequential download mode option to the Download Order page of the BitTorrent task properties dialog GUI Improve: new proxy server option: enable proxy server for RSS feeds GUI Improve: when no port listening, the port status in the lower right corner of the main window is changed from ”not detected” to ”not listening” GUI Improve: if the task list is sorted, display a prompt to cancel the sorting first when using the shortcut keys to adjust the download order GUI Improve: add translation of RSS update time GUI Improve: the language menu item displays the native language name for each language GUI Improve: after selecting the user group title such as ”Connected” in the BT task peer list, you can directly ban or delete all users in the group GUI Improve: peers which are banned in the BT task peer list will display the reason for the ban GUI Improve: add advanced option: torrent_share.load_lists_at_startup GUI Improve: add advanced option: bittorrent.separate_sources_for_failed_piece GUI Improve: update Chrome extension file in install package GUI Bugfix: The background color of the input box in some dialog boxes is abnormal GUI Bugfix: after modifies the save directory in the HTTP task properties dialog several times, the disk space is displayed in the wrong color GUI Bugfix: zero size file in the file list below torrent list should not be shown as a directory Core Improve: after the downloaded piece has an error in the hash check, try to re-download the entire piece from different peers Core Improve: support GBK encoding when parsing RSS XML data Core Improve: if the parameters submitted from remote download are incomplete, use the default save path and number of connections Core Bugfix: SNI should not be sent when the HTTPS connection hostname is an IP address Core Bugfix: In some cases, the magnet URI task fails to complete the metadata download Core Bugfix: the connections to web seed for HTTP resume detection are not closed in time v1.86 [Windows] [macOS] 2022.2.28 GUI Improve: display task tags in left favorites bar GUI Improve: add copy LAN IP command to the context menu of listen port detect light GUI Improve: new proxy options: use proxy for HTTP, webpage or other network traffic GUI Improve: specify file save name, User-Agent, Cookie and mirror URLs when adding HTTP task in remote download webpage GUI Improve: new advanced option: task.stop_task_after_get_metadata GUI Bugfix: folder choose button not work in BitTorrent task properties dialog while downloading metadata GUI Bugfix: full URL of mirror servers added by user for HTTP task not displayed in Servers pane GUI Bugfix: RSS update countdown log info displayed repeatedly GUI Bugfix: settings of global download/upload speed limit displayed incorrectly in remote download webpage Core Bugfix: metadata request not sent to incoming peers sometimes when downloading magnet URI Core Bugfix: program may crash if super seeding enabled v1.85 [Windows] [macOS] 2022.1.18 GUI Improve: display my download progress as a super seed in peer list if super seeding enabled GUI Improve: remember the last peer address added to peer list manually GUI Improve: add web_seed category in the connection detail list in Statistics pane GUI Improve: add option of sorting for memory detail info in the context menu of Statistics pane GUI Improve: improve the Dump Memory Info command in help menu if expert mode enabled GUI Improve: Chrome extension will choose correct main program edition either of x64/x86 from non-install folder GUI Improve: server list of HTTP/FTP task will display the number of active connections GUI Improve: add remove button for RSS auto-downloader filters Core Improve: optimize the super seed piece selection algorithm, transmit the most rare block first Core Improve: decrease the CPU usage for the DHT network Core Improve: do not pre-allocate disk cache for HTTP task Core Bugfix: the size of TCP transfer buffer in Statistics pane is incomplete Core Bugfix: failed to allocate piece cache for uploading if the disk cache of BT task reaches max value Core Bugfix: failed to download files from root directory of FTP server Core Bugfix: HTTP/FTP task should stop only when all connections failed v1.84 [Windows] [macOS] 2021.11.29 GUI Improve: save the list header width and order of flat list and tree list of files separately GUI Improve: the cache size of HTTP task in Statistics pane is divided into receiving cache and disk writing cache GUI Improve: display the TCP transfer buffer size in statistics pane, and sort the memory size list by size GUI Improve: allow to use the clipboard keyboard shortcuts in embedded web pages GUI Improve: display the number of opened files of BT task in Summary if expert mode enabled GUI Improve: rename the Task Statistics dialog in context menu for multiple tasks to Disk Info dialog, also available for single task now GUI Improve: display the detail info for the number of TCP connections in Statistics pane GUI Bugfix: sometimes the piece size display in Torrent Maker dialog is incorrect if auto piece size is chosen Core Improve: the trigger condition of download rate auto-limit for HTTP task changed from the size of disk flushing size to size of available memory size Core Improve: the redirect URL in remote download web page is changed to relative path, to support reverse proxy Core Improve: add a new DHT bootstrap node Core Bugfix: program may crash when downloading metadata v1.83 [Windows] [macOS] 2021.11.20 GUI Improve: allow to modify download URL of HTTP task when task stopped GUI Improve: add User-Agent and Cookie settings in HTTP task properties dialog GUI Improve: new advanced option: http.auto_import_cookie GUI Improve: the limit of HTTP connection cache size changed to 32MB in Option Dialog GUI Improve: new Torrent Exchange page in Option Dialog GUI Improve: new setting of custom save folder for torrent cache files in Torrent Exchange page of Option Dialog GUI Improve: new setting of save in multi-level directories for torrent cache files in Torrent Exchange page of Option Dialog GUI Improve: show status indication in toolbar of torrent list when filtering or sorting GUI Improve: new option for Torrent Collect and RSS Torrents: Only show torrents with metadata GUI Improve: show the memory size used for file list and metadata download in Statistics pane GUI Improve: improve check-box display in file list when scaling in unequal multiples of DPI GUI Improve: tag toolbar supports auto-wrap GUI Improve: auto resize the width of file-name column in the file list of BT task properties dialog GUI Improve: the Chrome extension supports capture the file download invoked by JavaScript GUI Improve: Capture download file option in Chrome extension no longer affected by the main program GUI Bugfix: the Chrome extension can not get correct referrer URL when download links from Downloads Tab of Chrome GUI Bugfix: fix refresh issues in task Summary pane GUI Bugfix: do not show the UDP upload rate limit for long-term seeding if not enabled in Statistics pane GUI Bugfix: do not reset the size of BT task properties dialog after metadata downloaded GUI Bugfix: the text in the headers of file list not refreshed after switch UI language GUI Bugfix: status bar will display incorrect DHT state if DHT disabled while DHT startup delay enabled Core Improve: offer peer version info with Mac of Android suffix to other BitTorrent peers Core Improve: try to retrieve cookie info from Chrome/Edge browser when download HTTP URL directly Core Improve: support the filename* attribute in Content-Disposition info of HTTP response headers Core Improve: user can suspend all active tasks and manually resumes them after program restart Core Improve: decrease the CPU usage of torrent list when no sort applied Core Improve: reduce the UI lag when operate the BT tasks with large number of files Core Improve: reduce CPU usage for adding torrent records to torrent list Core Bugfix: disk boost service is not invoked for HTTP task when the setting of allocate space before downloading disabled Core Bugfix: key word filter for torrent list works incorrectly for non-Latin characters Core Bugfix: program crash if export backup file while torrent list is loading from database file Core Bugfix: when search mirror for HTTP task enabled, download may still failed after changing original URL Core Bugfix: memory not released after metadata download finished in some cases Core Bugfix: the disk boost service set file size incorrectly in some cases v1.82 [Windows] [macOS] 2021.10.26 GUI Improve: add HTTP servers pane below the task list GUI Improve: the Files pane can display the downloaded file of HTTP task now GUI Improve: improve the switching relationship for panes below the task list when switching between BT task and HTTP task GUI Improve: display updating status in RSS list pane in the left of main window GUI Improve: display the size of all files and the size of file boundary padding in tooltip of task size in BT task summary pane GUI Improve: decode UTF8 failure info received from HTTP tracker GUI Improve: display icons in menu of macOS edition GUI Improve: hide notifications automatically after 5 seconds in macOS edition GUI Bugfix: mistaken of uTP packets recv number in the Statistics pane GUI Bugfix: the tooltip display incorrectly after the header of peer list reordered GUI Bugfix: the size of selected files in BT task dialog is incorrect for tree list GUI Bugfix: failed to load passport pane under Windows 11 in certain case Core Bugfix: the mirror URL added manually not used when restart HTTP task, if the option of search for mirror is disabled Core Bugfix: fix error handling for IPv6 UDP trackers Core Bugfix: improve the stability of DHT modular Core Bugfix: improve the stability of hash calculating for BitTorrent task v1.81 [Windows] [macOS] 2021.10.1 GUI Improve: add blocklist for Torrent Collection. Hay ciertos placar correto hoje requisitos asociados a este bono. Este se debe validar en la sección “Mis bonos”, haciendo clic precisamente placar correto hoje en la opción “activar”. GUI Improve: new setting in Advanced Options: bittorrent.peer_hole_punch.

Jogo da suécia

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