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Jasmim Avelino – Foto: Smorigo. Jeferson Silva – Foto: Smorigo. Yanca Costa – Foto: Smorigo. Luana Silva – Foto: Smorigo. Carlos Bahia – Foto: Smorigo. Tahiti Pro: AO VIVO! Ride the Tiger. Ride the Tiger presents an implacable criticism of the idols, structures, theories, and illusions of our dissolute age examined in the light of the inner teachings of indestructible Tradition. Evola identifies the type of human capable of “riding the tiger,” who may transform destructive processes into inner liberation. Calculadora apostas.Para saber até se os palpites são bons ou não há um sistema de like e dislike.
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The law of the regression of castes places racism at the core of Evola's philosophy, since he sees an increasing predominance of lower races as directly expressed through modern mass democracies.” [102] Evola used ”a man of race” to mean ”a man of breeding”. [28] [103] ”Only of an elite may one say that 'it is of a race': the people are only people, mass,” Evola wrote in 1969. [103] In Synthesis of the Doctrine of Race (1941) (Italian: Sintesi di Dottrina della Razza ), Evola provides an overview of his ideas concerning race and eugenics, introducing the concept of ”spiritual racism”, [104] and ”esoteric-traditionalist racism”. [105] [ page needed ] The book was endorsed by Benito Mussolini. [106] [107] Prior to the end of the Second World War, Evola frequently used the term ”Aryan” to refer to the nobility, who in his view were imbued with traditional spirituality. [108] Feinstein writes that this interpretation made the term ”Aryan” more plausible in an Italian context and thereby furthered antisemitism in Fascist Italy. [109] Evola's interpretation was adopted by Mussolini, who declared in 1938 that ”Italy's civilization is Aryan”. [110] Wolff notes that Evola seems to have stopped writing about race in 1945, but adds that the intellectual themes of Evola's writings were otherwise unchanged. Evola continued to write about elitism and his contempt for the weak.

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