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If you think that you hand will beat the Dealer and wager (Bet) that is exactly double your original ‘Ante’ bet. If you do not want to play the hand, you must ‘Fold’ by placing your cards face down on the table. The Dealer will take your cards and ‘Ante’ bet. If the Dealer does not qualify, (i.e., he does not have an Ace and King or better), the Player’s ‘Ante’ bets are paid even money and all ‘Bets’ are ‘Standoffs’. The Dealer then checks to see if the Player wins a bonus/jackpot. If the Dealer qualifies and your hand beats the Dealer, you are paid the appropriate odds for the ‘Bet’ (see table) and even money for the ‘Ante’. Should the Dealer’s hand beat your hand, the Dealer shall take shall take both your ‘Bet’ and ‘Ante’.

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